
Brinkwood: The Blood of Tyrants

Created by Erik Bernhardt

Welcome to the pre-order store for Brinkwood! For updates on our progress, please visit!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

December Update!
about 3 years ago – Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 09:56:11 AM

Hello brigands!

Happy December! We have had a few developments I wanted to update you about, so let's dive into them!

Print-on-Demand Rewards Sent!

By now, all backers with Print-on-Demand rewards should have received their at-cost coupons, allowing you to purchase your preferred rewards from DriveThruRPG at cost. Please note that DriveThruRPG seems to have some issues lately with regards to shipping due to COVID, particularly in shipping the Cardenfell Map out. We apologize for this inconvenience, and will keep you updated as to when DriveThruRPG resolves their shipping issues. 

Codex Rewards Distributed!

Your digital copy of the Brinkwood Codex containing all unlocked copies of the stretch goals should now be sent out to all of our backers who pledged at the PDF level and above! Our guest writers and designers did a wonderful job expanding the world of Brinkwood, and I encourage you all to give the Codex a read!

Brinkwood: Refuge is Rules-Complete!

Exciting news, Brinkwood: Refuge is now rules-complete, and is currently being edited! *Despair* is still in active development, but we hope to have more updates on both Refuge and Despair for you soon!

Codex Beta Release!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 05:32:13 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping Begins!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 02:12:27 AM

Hello brigands!

Exciting news! Our order has arrived at the warehouse, we've QA'ed the books for quality, and we are officially starting to send out our first shipments! Barring any hiccups, our domestic backers should start seeing their books arrive in the next two weeks, with international backers receiving packages soon after. 

On the Print-on-Demand front, we've received the proofs from DriveThruRPG and have started sending out links to our Print-on-Demand backers. If you backed at the Print-on-Demand level, you'll receive a total of 4 e-mails from DriveThruRPG, each with a link for you to order a softcover black-and-white version, a hardcover black-and-white, a hardcover color, or softcover color option. 

For the digital edition, we plan to send out the final digital versions via DriveThruRPG soon. We also plan to send out the Codex PDF containing various stretch goals and additional material in mid-November, also via DriveThruRPG.

We apologize for any delay, and look forward to getting *Brinkwood* into your hands as soon as possible!

Address Locking on 10/15!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 10:01:57 PM

Hi All! 

Just a quick heads up that we'll be locking addresses and starting shipping on 10/15, so please finalize your address on BackerKit if you haven't already.

We're in the home stretch now!

Order Locks and v 10.2!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 02, 2021 at 10:53:10 AM

Hello Brigands!

As you might have noticed, we've gone through and locked orders and charged cards via BackerKit as scheduled. Some of you may noticed that your orders are still unlocked, if you only ordered digital rewards and physical copies of Refuge and Despair. You'll continue to receive all digital releases via BackerKit, but we decided to hold off on locking orders until we are ready to deliver Refuge and Despair.

Speaking of new versions, version 10.2 has been released, and is now available for download via BackerKit! This will be our final "print" version, though errata may follow as necessary. You can view our changelog for this release here.

Finally, we are headed to print! According to our printer, current estimate for our books to arrive at our distribution warehouse is October 15th, barring any delays. We'll keep you updated as we move towards distribution!